ENZ’s new online tool for agents, AgentLab, is here.

If you want to promote New Zealand as a study destination, Education New Zealand has launch an online space especially for education agents.

With interactive courses, personalised updates, live webinars, and the latest news from New Zealand, AgentLab will be your go-to place for promoting New Zealand education.

Innovative tools, valuable information 

You can access AgentLab on your computer, smartphone or tablet. Find all the tools you need to help your clients learn about studying and living in New Zealand.

You can rely on AgentLab to:

  • Make learning fun and easy – learn about New Zealand’s education system, immigration requirements and more, through interactive courses.
  • Keep you up to date – receive updates and important news from Education New Zealand.
  • Provide you with relevant, personalised information – everything in AgentLab is personalised, based on the information you provide us. So you’ll receive messages and updates that are relevant to you and your market.
  • Help you answer your clients’ questions – check our documents section for relevant information.
  • Connect you with the New Zealand education industry – talk to industry experts via our live webinars.