Use the expandable menu below to find important and useful information for Aspiring’s online programmes

Technical requirements

Students are required to have the following basic computer skills: 

  • Using a word processor and knowing how to save and locate files in your computer (examples of word processors are Microsoft Word and Google Docs)
  • An email account and knowing how to send, receive and reply emails including attaching files
  • Experience navigating the internet 
  • An up to date internet browser such as Google Chrome or Safari 

The following are specific technical requirements for using our Moodle and Zoom: 

Hardware requirements

Desktop computer or laptop with a reliable internet connection, you’ll also need to download Zoom.

System requirements

An internet connection – broadband wired or wireless (3G or 4G/LTE)

Speakers and a microphone – built-in, USB plug-in, or wireless Bluetooth

A webcam or HD webcam – built-in, USB plug-in

Supported operating systems

macOS X with macOS 10.9 or later

Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 or Windows 10

Supported tablet and mobile devices

Surface PRO 2 or higher and running Win 8.1 or higher

iOS and Android devices

Blackberry devices

Supported browsers

Windows: Internet Explorer 11+, Edge 12+, Firefox 27+, Chrome 30+

macOS: Safari 7+, Firefox 27+, Chrome 30+

Note: Some features in the web client are not supported on Internet Explorer, we recommend downloading another browser before commencing your course



Using Moodle for the first time

After confirming your enrolment you will receive an email with your login details for Aspiring’s Moodle. 

The video below shows you what you need to do to sign in for the first time:

You can also find Aspiring’s Moodle login page on our website by clicking Aspiring Online on the top black menu bar and from them just click the Log In button as shown below: 

Note: Disciplinary rules apply to our online courses and students. In using Moodle, you agree to make some information about yourself available that may be viewed by members of Aspiring Language Institute and people that you share the class with. You are expected to respect the privacy of other and you must not make inappropriate use of other’s personal information. 

E-Learning Resources

The Dashboard

Every very time you log into Moodle you’ll land on the Dashboard, this is your landing page. From here you can navigate around platform and access to your courses, the calendar, the latest announcements among other options. You can customise your Dashboard and add additional Blocks.  

You can always return to the Dashboard by clicking the orange Aspiring Language Institute button on the top menu. 

Finding your course 

Step 1

Log into Moodle, go to then click LOG IN button and enter the username and password that was given to you by email when you enrolled at Aspiring Language Institute Online 

Step 2 

Select the course you wish to access from Courses Overview

All new students are automatically enrolled in the Introduction to Zoom and Orientation course. You will need to complete these two before starting your English class. 

Note: If you log into Moodle and the courses are not displayed please check with our Support Team, they’ll help you solve the issue 


Course Layout 

This course layout is for your English programme. If you’re accessing it from your laptop or desktop computer, you’ll see the navigation menu on the left side. 

The section on the right is where your tutor posts information about your course, and provides links to resources and activities such as quizzes, worksheets or assignments you’ll be doing on Moodle. 

The first part will always have the class global outcomes, your tutors Zoom details, class descriptors, class announcements and attendance. 

The main course content will be organised by your tutor and depending on how they set up the course. 

Your profile 

Your profile is a great tool for us and your fellow students to get you know a little better. You can also change settings for your profile, like forum subscriptions and email settings: 

Edit your profile

First you need to select Profile from the drop-down menu next to your name at the top-right of the page as shown on the image above. 

Click Edit Profile from the gear icon and make the desired changes. 

Finally, scroll down and select Update profile

Note: If you wish to change your contact details such as email address, mobile number or home address, please complete this form as this will need to be changed by our staff on your behalf. 




It is very easy to check your attendance on Moodle; your teacher will take attendance during the Zoom session and you can check your records by going to the Attendance activity in your course as shown on the image below: 

If you’d like us to email you a progress and attendance report please click the Contact Staff option from the top menu on Moodle and complete the form (make sure you tick Admin support). 

Submit an assignment 

There are two different of assignment that your tutor may ask you to submit, one is by uploading an specific file such as a worksheet or a word document, and the second way is by writing your assignment online (online text) 

Upload a file 

  1. To submit an assignment first go to your class and find the assignment you’re wishing to submit. Click on it and you’ll be taken to submission page
  2. Scroll down and select Add Submission 
  3. Find the document on your computer and click Upload this file
  4. Select Save changes (this will be save your file as draft)
  5. Scroll down and click Submit assignment  
  6. Tick the box to certify that the assignment is your own work and click Continue.
  7. Your assignment will be submitted and your teacher will be notified 


How students take a quiz

  • Click on the quiz link on the course homepage and read the information to check you’re in the right quiz.
  • Click on “Attempt quiz now” button.
  • Click on the “Next” button at the bottom of the page to see the next page of questions
  • To finish the exam, click “Finish attempt” in the navigation block of “Next” on the last page of the exam.
  • The “Summary of attempt” page – reviews the questions and alerts you to questions not attempted.
  • Click on “Submit all and finish” to have your quiz scored. A warning will pop up telling you you can no longer change your answers.

How students review a quiz

  • In the quiz navigation block
    1. A correct answer is shown with the bottom half green with a white tick
    2. A partially correct answer is shown with the bottom half orange with a white circle in it
    3. A wrong answer is shown with the bottom half red
    4. An essay question (requiring manual marking) is shown with the bottom half grey
  • In the questions themselves, correct answers will be in green with a check mark next to it. Incorrect answers will be in red with a cross next to it.
  • According to your teacher’s settings, you might get general feedback, specific feedback on each question and/or overall feedback on your final score.
  • Although the quiz may have been split into multiple pages, the review will show all the questions on a single page to make it easier to navigate. You can chose to review the quiz with separate pages as it was when you took the quiz.


The calendar is a great tool to keep the class and activities organised. It can display site, course, group, user and category events in addition to assignment and quiz deadlines, chat times and other course events. 

Video retrieved from MoodleDocs

New events may be added either by clicking the button or by clicking into an empty space in the desired day in the calendar.

When adding, editing or deleting events, the event displays in a pop-up window.

Events created manually may be dragged and dropped to different dates, as can Feedback activity, Assignment activity and Choice activity events. (For activities, the dates will then change in the activity itself when dragged to a different date on the calendar.)

Adding an event

To add a calendar event:

  1. Click month on Calendar to get an expanded month view
  2. In Calendar view click the New Event button
  3. On a New Event page select the type of event
    • User Event will only be visible by the user currently logged in (i.e. the one creating the event)
    • Group Event will be visible to a particular Group on the course (chosen from a drop-down list)
      Group events will display a group icon in the calendar block and in the event page, the name of the group will be visible next to the event title:
    • Course Event will be visible to participants on the course in question. Only users with the capability to manage calendar entries at the course level can add course events.
    • Site Event is a “global” event – visible in every course and on the calendar on the home page. Only users with the capability to manage calendar entries at the system level can add site events.

4. Set the event properties

5. Click Save Changes

The different types of events can be visually filtered.

For example, if you (as a teacher) wanted to hide Group event dates (events assigned to learner Groups you create), click “Group events” on the bottom of the Calendar. This would hide all group events, and the colour code would disappear from the link on the calendar. To show the events again, click the Group Events link again. This can make the calendar easier to read (especially if there are many events on the calendar).

Other features

  • Adding closing dates to course activities — assignments (, quizzes ( etc. will cause them to show up in the calendar block ( as course events.
  • View previous or future months.
  • Current date is outlined.
  • The duration of an event lasting more than one day is indicated.


What is the Forum activity?

The Forum activity allows students and teachers to exchange ideas by posting comments as part of a ‘thread’. Files such as images and media maybe included in forum posts. The teacher can choose to grade and/or rate forum posts and it is also possible to give students permission to rate each others’ posts.

How does it work?

Students access the forum by clicking the icon on the course page and depending on the forum type selecting, will typically be see a button to start a new discussion topic. They can sort discussions, subscribe to discussions from the toggle button, and favourite/bookmark discussions from the star icon on the left. This moves the discussion to the top of the list, under any discussions pinned by the teacher.


Moodle app

With the official mobile app for Moodle, you can

  • Browse the content of your courses, even when offline
  • Receive instant notifications of messages and other events
  • Quickly find and contact other people in your courses
  • Upload images, audio, videos and other files from your mobile device
  • Track your progress, mark tasks as complete and browse your learning plans
  • Attempt quizzes, post in forums and edit wiki pages
  • View your course grades

… and lots more – see the full list of Moodle app features.



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